Create explanatory films and animated explanatory videos
An explanatory film describes products and services in animated form. They offer a high added value for the viewer and are very entertaining with their animated figures and sketched pictures. These funny films tell your customers about your solutions and present your products. If the texts are well worded and understandable, the range of such explanatory videos is large. They also offer a comparatively cheap entry into online marketing with video.
Cost of explanatory films
Explanatory videos and explanatory films have to get to the point quickly. Then they are successful. If you also have problems solving, then they're a really good advertisement for any business.
A good explanatory film agency creates explanatory videos that speak the (visual) language of the target group. The length also plays a big role. In most cases, film lengths of 40 seconds to one minute are sufficient. The most popular are 2D animated films. This is of course also due to the low costs and the high added value for online marketing.
Explanatory film with speaker
Animated films explain even complex relationships in a matter of seconds. They are entertaining, funny and ideally suited for postings on social media. However, pictures alone are often not enough to convey content in an interesting way. It is therefore obvious to dub explanatory films with a professional film narrator.
"Language" is the most effective form of communication, despite all the colorful pictures.
Real film as an explanatory film
Another form of explanatory film are recordings made in real film. An important prerequisite for this is an employee who on the one hand knows the product well and on the other hand enjoys working in front of the camera. The latter is a really important condition. Because in this very authentic form of the explanatory film, the protagonist's sympathy factor is decisive. So if you don't have a suitable employee, you only have to hire a professional performer.
A text has to be created for this actor, he has to be "briefed" and of course paid for. The costs are of course considerably higher here.
Explanatory films without software
... but create with real people. Animated explanatory films are popular, funny and really a good marketing tool. If you produce with real people and real objects, the explanatory film will appear more real and believable than a comparable animation film.
Which form of explanatory film is right for your target group and budget, we usually clarify with a first, non-binding telephone call. Give us a call! We are happy to help.