That costs an image film

In order to ensure cost security on all pages, in most cases we create a package deal for the entire production of your image film. This offer includes all necessary services and even possibly necessary correction loops. Imagefilm Prices vary. In order to produce an image film according to the quality criteria described on our website.

The filmforbusiness film kit.

The most frequently asked question in almost every one of our customer conversations is: "What does an image film cost?" For many production companies, this is a difficult question, because many factors play a role here, comparable to buying a car. The complexity of the film, the shooting time and location and the size of the required team play a role in budget planning - and are impossible to answer in advance. ... Or do we?

We take a different approach to pricing. Our modular principle always offers a high-quality and authentic impression, as it has proven itself in the many projects produced by filmforbusiness. This modular principle allows us to offer precise and scalable flat rates. The quality of your film will never fall below our professional basic level.

Do you need help?

My team and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just give us a call or send us an email!  //  Tel: +49(0)7131-38264-01  //   Mail:team(at)  //   contact   Skypefilmforbusiness




This film was made for about 16 tsd EUR. Statements, overview of the products and services and emotional images. In our opinion, this film contains all the ingredients that a successful image film for a medium-sized company should contain. This image film allows your prospects to get to know you and your team. In a "relaxed" atmosphere and authentic.

Creativity is not known to be measured. It's a good thing that most of the services you need to make a film are artisanal. Films from filmforbusiness have a very mature content and design - and convince our customers above all with their professional "look". So that you can also proceed professionally in the calculation of your project, we have enclosed an exemplary calculation here.